Project "Christian-Islamic Religious Education by Teamteaching"

Development of didactic concepts and promotion of interreligious dialogue in schools

Project management: Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr Wolfgang Weirer
Project team: Mag.a Agnes Gmoser; Mag.a Mevlida Mesanovic, BEd; Mag. jur. Michael Kramer, Mag.a Eva Wenig, Mag. Mag. Dr Senol Yagdi MA MSc, Mag.a Julia Brunner

The research and development project "Christian-Islamic Religious Education in Teamteaching" is a project at the Institute for Catechetics and Religious Education at the University of Graz, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). It is to be understood as a continuation of the project "Integration through Interreligious Education" (2017-2020). It aims at promoting interreligious dialogue in school contexts and at strengthening reciprocal understanding for people with different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds.

Target Groups
Teachers, in particular for religious education (Christian/Catholic – Muslim), students and those interested in the project.

Objectives include the strengthening of interreligious dialogue, in particular in the context of religious education in schools, in order to comply with a multicultural society – this is intended to be implemented as “encounter learning”. In the long term, researched focal points are to be integrated in a sustainable training of religious education teachers. For this purpose, local theories for a didactics of religion-cooperative teaching and learning processes are being developed, based on evidence.


  • Christian-Islamic religious education in teamteaching at selected school sites
  • Analysis and evaluation of teaching units
  • Advancement of the didactic training of teachers for Catholic religion at the University of Graz. Presentation of research results at symposiums and in scientific articles.

Since 2021 (previous project phase: 2017-2020)


  • Encounter learning: Testing and research of interreligious teaching units: Christian (Catholic) and Muslim students are taught in team teaching by Christian (Catholic) and Muslim teachers.
  • Analysis, discussion and presentation of the findings
  • Scientific exchange with colleagues from Austria and Germany
  • Experiences from the project are integrated into the further development of the didactical training of Catholic religion teachers at the University of Graz (interreligious courses).

Cooperation with partners: Private Pädagogische Hochschule Augustinum Graz, Catholic and Islamic school authorities (Styria and Carinthia), University of Vienna, University of Innsbruck, University of Paderborn.

Form of Organization
Third-party funded project at the Institute for Catechetics and Religious Education, University of Graz.

The project is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (project no. P 34282)


  • Articles in the journal of the “Österreichisches Religionspädagogisches Forum” (, dissertations, project reports
  • Dissertations
  • Project Reports

Website | Social Media | Contact

Institut für Katechetik und Religionspädagogik der Universität Graz:

Projekt Christlich-Islamischer Religionsunterricht im Teamteaching:

Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weirer
Heinrichstraße 78B/II
A-8010 Graz



editor: bs 2022