Interreligious Prayer of the Military Chaplaincies

A prayer for all soldiers

Initiated by Catholic Military Chaplain of the Military Command Vienna, later Vicar General of the Armed Forces, Franz Fahrner, a common prayer for all religious soldiers of the Austrian Armed Forces was composed in cooperation with the Forum for World Religions (Forum für Weltreligionen), then Contact Point for World Religions. It was subsequently coordinated with other military chaplaincies (at present including the Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish, Muslim and Alevi chaplaincies).

The prayer was said at the annual swearing-in ceremony that took place on Austrian National Day (Oct 26) at the Heldenplatz, with over 1,000 recruits. It was also used for other swearing-in ceremonies, in particular in Vienna where representatives of the military chaplains said one section of the prayer each.

Target Groups
Soldiers, their families and relatives.

The prayer is meant to emphasize the unifying aspects thus expressing common concerns. Conscripts and everyone present, regardless of their religious affiliations, were invited to say the entire prayer at swearing-in ceremonies.

Common objectives and topics include:

  • Hospitality
  • Defense of common values
  • Safety, protection and peace
  • Death and war
  • Responsibility for sisters and brothers
  • Understanding and reconciliation
  • Solidarity and trust
  • Protection and support for the poor and defenseless

The prayer was said on a regular basis during swearing-in ceremonies. The practice is presently discontinued for reasons of protocol.

In addition to joint appearance at swearing-in ceremonies and regular cooperations such as the presentation of the military chaplaincies at the presentation of the Austrian Forces at the Heldenplatz (shared tent), intercultural and interreligious topics are addressed at regular conferences, seminars and during training.

Form of Organization
Cooperation of representatives of the military chaplaincies of the Austrian Armed Forces (at present: Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish, Muslim and Alevi)


„Gebet zur Angelobung“ (Prayer for Swearing-In Ceremony), printed, among other, in the „Katholischen Soldatengebetbuch“ (Prayer Book for Catholic Soldiers)

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editor: lz / update: ts 2022